Realtor Information

We welcome all realtors to use our website for the information they might use with their customers for selling or buying in Fairway Bay. This information can also be useful for any owners who are selling or leasing their own unit.
Each association has a slightly different Realtor's Policy and sales/lease form:
Realtor Policy Sales/Lease Form   Rules & Regs 2025 Q&A 2025 Budget
FWB Estoppel Request          
FWB II Realtor Policy Sale/Lease Form   Rules & Regs  2025 Q&A 2025 Budget
FWB II Estoppel Request          
FWB II Rental Rules & Regs          
FWB III contact 941-383-7130          
In addition to these forms, all recorded documents can be found on the Public Documents web page. The first page lists all of the documents common to all three associations. Be sure to select the correct association (Fairway Bay/FWB II/FWB III Documents) documents specific to that association. Each association has their own Declarations, Articles, Bylaws, Rules, and FAQs.
We encourage both realtors and owners who are selling their own unit to list their units on our Sales & Leases web page. Until we have the majority of units with individual listings, we are listing the units shown on MLS with the MLS number. That will eventually disappear and we will only provide individual listings. To add a listing, go to the Sales & Leases page and scroll to just past the one-line-per unit list and you will see a 'Submit a New Listing'. Please click on that to get a form. The first section is for the realtor information. (For By Owner, please put your own name.) The website is for you or your office. Later, you'll find room if you have a direct link to this unit. The photo is intended to be of the realtor. Please fill out the rest of the form, probably from the MLS listing. You may include up to 15 photos of the unit, with the first one showing on the Sales & Leases page. You do not need to size the photos because the software will do that. When you click on 'Choose File', the software will take you to your documents on your computer and let you select a photo.
After you submit the form, it will be reviewed by one of the website administrators to be approved for listing. If this is a second listing for the same unit, please use the Contact Page to send us an email to remove the outdated listing.