
Here are some terrific ways to meet your Fairway Bay neighbors. The following activities are held monthly during the winter season.  To contact any of the names mentioned for each activity, you can search them in the resident directory in the members section of the website.
Tuesday and Thursday between 10:45a-noon Yoga is taught by Felipe Cava, former Peruvian Aerobic Champion and was the Fitness Director at the former Colony. The cost is $15 per session.  Participants can come and go and do not have to sign up for consecutive sessions if it doesn't fit their schedules.  Beginners and new comers are welcome. Bring your mat!
Book Club
The Fairway Bay Book club meets in the Clubhouse from 4 to 5 pm.  Our meetings are open to anyone who is living at Fairway Bay I, II, and the Atrium.  It’s best if you have read the book before the meeting, but you are always welcome to come listen to the discussion.  The January meeting is the annual Book Club Luncheon which starts at noon.  For information, contact Claire Leininger,
Casual Cocktails
These are potlucks, BYO drinks occasions held monthly at 5 pm in the Clubhouse or the Bay Isles Beach Club. It's a great way to meet your neighbors. Please see the calendar each month for changes in the dates. Bring your own drinks and a snack to share.
During "season" a group of residents have coordinated a drop-in play group on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at
9 am.  All levels of players welcome.  If you have your own paddles, awesome, otherwise stop by the office to borrow the community paddles.  Pickleball hours are 9a-2p, Monday-Friday and 10a-2p Saturday/Sunday. See you on the courts!!
Men's Book Club
The Men’s Book Group at Fairway Bay meets in the clubhouse at 3:00 PM on the 3rd Monday of the months of November - April. Our meetings are open to any men who are living at Fairway Bay, I, II, or the Atrium.  It’s best if you have read the book before the meeting but you are always welcome to attend and participate in the discussion.  For further information, contact Marcus Chandler:
                                                                                Water Aerobics
Water Aerobics is back at Fairway Bay, join your neighbors for an hour of aquatic exercise, music and fun with Debbie White. Classes are held at the Fairway Bay 1 pool Wednesdays at 11:15am & Fridays at 10am. Cost is $15 per person, cash. For information, contact Marjorie Lane